Powerful Features to Supercharge Your Recruitment.

One-Stop-Shop ATS system, supporting staffers through the entire hiring process

In-depth Candidate Analysis

Dive into granular candidate insights ranging from soft skills to intricate work experiences. Understand beyond the CV.

Real-time Smart Matching

Our AI-driven algorithms identify top talents in real-time. Filter out the noise and focus on the best.

Interview Notes & Job Posting Generation

Streamline your interview processes by generating detailed interview notes, briefs, and job postings efficiently.

Lifeline Candidate Tracking

Monitor candidates from the moment they apply to final placement. Keep every step transparent and organized.

Comprehensive Database Utilization

Your database is a goldmine. Ensure you leverage every talent asset. With Trackr HR, no potential candidate gets overlooked.

Packages Tailored for Modern Recruitment Needs.

  • Recruiter Package
  • Employer Package

Pioneering the Future of Recruitment.

Hear from our users.

“I’ve recently started my own independent recruitment desk, and in this super competitive space, the prospect of Trackr’s Streamlined Headhunting feature is a game-changer. No more hefty license fees, which can be a real strain on a small firm like mine. The promise of a Talent Database Builder is incredible. It’s like having a treasure trove at my fingertips, ensuring I can have a real chance in this war for talent. I’m excited to use Trackr and make top placements!”

the Solo Recruiter

“The sheer volume of CVs I encounter daily is overwhelming. The fact that Trackr’s MVP functionality already offers solutions for reviewing and scoring candidates is revolutionary. I’m really looking forward to accessing the full version’s Advanced AI Applicant Analysis, expecting it to drastically cut down the hours I spend on candidate reviews. The possibility of spotlighting the best talent with ease and accuracy through Trackr’s AI-driven insights plus the further custom screenings will save me so much time and provide some real order in the chaos of recruitment!”

High-Volume Recruitment Specialist

“Expansion is on the horizon for my company, and the hiring decisions we make now are pivotal. Trackr’s all-in-one recruitment solution is enticing, especially for a small operation like ours without a dedicated HR department. I’m keen on the idea of having a comprehensive overview of our recruitment funnel. The cost-effectiveness, ensuring we’re investing in the right job boards and methods, is just smart business. Trackr seems set to be a crucial partner in our growth story.”

Small Business Owner